"Harvard Study on Police Shootings and Race Offers Shocking Conclusion"
Harvard economist Roland Fryer Jr. published an article in The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) with the title: “ An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police use of Force .” This article was published in July 2016 in the midst of a heated debated about race and policing in America. From the paper’s conclusion: ...this paper takes first steps into the treacherous terrain of understanding the nature and extent of racial differences in police use of force. On non-lethal uses of force, there are racial differences – sometimes quite large – in police use of force, even after accounting for a large set of controls designed to account for important contextual and behavioral factors at the time of the police-civilian interaction. Interestingly, as use of force increases from putting hands on a civilian to striking them with a baton, the overall probability of such an incident occurring decreases dramatically but the racial difference remains roughly constant. Even whe...