A Guide to Debating Ben Shapiro on Poverty in America
Shapiro's Stance: Class and income mobility exists in our society Anyone can succeed in America by simply: a) finishing high school, b) waiting until married to have kids, c) getting a job Poor people are poor because they "suck at managing their money" We don’t need to worry about poverty in America because being poor here is better than being poor in most places in the world Opening Question: Student: There’s a popular Youtube video of you speaking at a public school, with many low-income students in the audience and you say something along the lines of: “if you are permanently poor in the United States it’s because you suck with money” ( video , DailyWire article ). Shapiro: Yes, and then the principal of the school interrupted me and said I "went too far" and told the kids they were all free to leave. Student: Right. What does it mean to "suck with money"? What is this skill that all poor people lack? Shapiro: It means...